Dirty Laundry

Dirty Laundry

Big Tobacco is trying to hide a lot of secrets, and what better way to let the public know than to “Air Out Big Tobacco’s Dirty Laundry”? Construct a clothesline where everyone can see it, and then write facts on clothing items (either donated or purchased from a...
Say It With a T

Say It With a T

People love to express themselves through their clothes, so why not share the No Limits message through your clothes too. Get some T-shirts, markers, iron-on transfers, paint, and creativity together and let people make their own one-of-a-kind anti-tobacco T-shirt....
Candy Giveaway

Candy Giveaway

Everyone loves candy! A quick and easy way to send the messages you want to give about false tobacco propaganda is to put it on candy. You can simply attach a piece of candy to a saying or a fact and hand them out, and you can do that anywhere. With the holiday season...
Popcorn Bags

Popcorn Bags

At your local football games, softball tournaments, swimming meets, and even your town festival, take a look around at what people are holding. See a lot of blank popcorn bags? Now is your chance to put that space to good use. Create No Limits labels with facts or...
Cup Art

Cup Art

You walk by it every day on the way to school. It surrounds your high school football field and track. It’s not just a chain-link fence; it’s a billboard waiting to happen. All it needs is a message. Spell out a message in Styrofoam cups to spread the...
Graffiti Wall

Graffiti Wall

It’s caught your eye as you wait for the train to pass . . . graffiti can be really cool! Here is a legal way to use it. Tell the truth about Big Tobacco on paper. A lot of paper. On butcher paper get creative with your anti-tobacco message, and display it for...